I am starting over, in more ways than one.
First of all, it's been over six months since my last post so I'm starting over with keeping a blog. It's about time I got back to writing again. I've needed to give a few soliloquies over the past months and haven't, thus I have no way of going back and tracking what was going through my head and how the Lord brought me through it! That is unfortunate! I've missed some opportunities for raw truth and simple entertainment.
So, the first facet of my new start.
Next, I'm starting over in life, basically because that is what has to happen after you graduate from college! Plain and simple, I have to!
As of December 13th,2008, I was no longer a student. That date marked the last day of what seemed like a lifetime of learning to be an adult. 16 years of training, of books, homework, tests and grades to prove myself ready to face the world as a grown up.
Well... I did it. I read the books, I studied, spent way too much on coffee, took the tests and now have the fancy piece of paper that deems me ready for the rest of my life!
WHAT? Is this really happening? Am I really a graduate of Texas A&M University? A former student? An old ag? Am I really done with school? Do I really have to be a grown up?
That's a small freak out that has been a long time in coming!
It all ended so quickly. My last semester of college started, i blinked and then bam it was all over. I had walked across the stage, done my little dance and that was it!
I am now faced with this new task of starting over.
It is a fresh new start on a life the Lord has been preparing me for so intentionally for 21 years.
He has brought me this far and He is not leaving me now! He is walking with me every step of this new life.
I am like a bird that has just been released from it's cage. I am free to fly wherever the Lord is telling me to fly. The funny thing is, He isn't telling me to fly anywhere. He is telling me to stay right where I am for a while. He doesn't want me spreading my wings to soar to new places yet. He still has work for me to do here. So, I will be obedient to what the Lord is saying, knowing that His plans are perfect and that some day He will allow me to use my wings and He will want me to go somewhere new.
There is no better place to be than in obedience to the Lord.
"This is the start, of something new, it feels so right, to be here with You ... I feel in my heart, the start of something new" (High School Musical)