Well, that was my prayer and that is exactly what He did.
I start my summer off in a very familiar place...
a place where the wind blows, as well as the dirt, tumble weeds, your hair and anything else that's not cemented in the ground...
where wind mills have become the new "oil boom"...
where the white buffalo is an honored animal...
where flat lands are considered beautiful..
where the nearest Super Walmart is about 40 miles away!
That's right, this summer the Lord has sent me to my home town of Snyder, TX!
But ya know what... i'll let you in on a little secret. I'm actually really excited to be here!
I have to admit that I was looking forward to coming home to do ministry in this town where I see God working and get to spend quality time with two of my favorite people in the world, my mom and dad.
Yesterday was the start of my summer mission at First Baptist Church. I am working with the lovly Traci Hogan (soon to be a new last name :)) in the Children's Ministry as the summer intern.
Traci and I first met three summers ago when we were both interning at the church, her for the youth and me for the children.
Now, with her as the Children's Minister. I get to revisit my familiar church and allow the Lord to once again use me to touch kids lives through this ministry.
This summer is going to be very unique for many reasons.
1... I am a completely new person! The old has gone and the new has come. I have changed so much since those first two summers of college when I worked at FBC Snyder. The Lord has made me a completely new creation and revived within me a life that I never fully knew before! My passion for Him is stronger than ever and my desire to share the good news of my Savior Jesus Christ pushes me in ministry.
2... I am at a completely different place in my life. I am being persued in courtship by an amazing man who loves the Lord with all of his heart, soul, mind and strength! He is such a blessing to me and always encourages me and challenges me in the Lord.
3... I have never wanted to be in two places at once as much as I do now. While I have such a strong desire to be here, doing ministry, using what God has equipped me with and enjoying my parents; I also want so deeply to be back in College Station/Bryan. Not only is there an amazing body of believers there who have helped make me who I am in the Lord, two very special people, who are so dear and close to me are there. Two of my best friends that are so unique in my life and can compare to no one else!
Not to mention the fact that Houston is only about an hour and fifteen minutes away from CS as opposed to seven from Snyder.
All in all, it is only the Lord who has lead me here to Snyder, given me the ability to walk by faith and actually get here and rejoice in all that He has in store and not dwell on all that I am leaving behind.
I know that the Lord's plans are higher than mine. I know He is taking care of me. I know He understands my heart. I also know that it is His glory and not my own that I am made to proclaim.
So, Here I am Lord! You've already sent me, now use me!
Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done!
Just remember you have a wonderful "old" friend to keep you sane! :) Im super stoked about this summer!!
Hey Sam! We miss you already, but look forward to hearing about how the Lord is going to use you there this summer! Amanda has been keeping me posted and I'm excited for things to come!!!
Enjoy this precious time with your family and this "family" will be here when you get back! :o)
Love you sweet girl!
I love you Sam!! I love to hear the comparison between the last time you served the church and now. Its so much greater and exciting to serve the Lord with the right heart. I miss you and can't wait to see you in a few wkends!!
Hey sorry we didn't talk again last night after hanging up. I started talking to my sis for the first time since she has left to San Fran. It was good to hear how she was doing. We'll talk soon again and i'll keep you posted. I love your blog name and design. I never knew you were such a good writer. Bye, love you Sam!
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